Solved by Money
What can be solved by money is not a problem.
One of the wisest quotes I have heard was from the owner of a company I have worked for. He used to say, “What can be solved by money is not a problem.”
Depending on the problems you are currently facing, you might not feel that this is something precious or even worthy. However, as you face new problems now and then, you will realize in no time that this piece of wisdom helps you decide whether the problem at hand is a real problem. Consider the example where your screen gets broken, your watch is stolen, or your car tire goes flat. You feel angry, even enraged; however, is this a problem? Not according to our piece of wisdom.
Are you not convinced? Anything of materialistic value is easily replaceable. Maybe you cannot afford that now; however, it is just a matter of time to afford a replacement and possibly an upgrade. I will not list examples of problems that money cannot solve, as I prefer to leave that as an exercise for you to solve based on stories you have heard and experiences you have gone through.